Blowout and Subsequent Fire On Offshore Platform – Investigation Report

This incident took place almost a decade ago and refers to a rig blowout and the subsequent fire that broke on the platform. Initially the Rig was conducting directional drilling operations. After a stand being pulled the well began flowing at an increasing rate. The annular diverter element was closed and the well was put into the diverter system. The alarm was sounded to evacuate the Rig and Platform. After a while the end of the port diverter pipe blew off and an uncontrolled flow of gas, water, sand, and hydrocarbons caught fire. The fire from the uncontrolled flow out of the diverter was spread on the Rig floor.

2013.12.23 - Blowout and Subsequent Fire On Offshore Platform - Investigation Report Figure 1

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Occupational Injury Onboard Offshore Platform – Investigation Report

During activities on the drill floor, a person suffered crushing injuries to the chest and abdomen while working on an access platform on the roof of the driller’s cabin. The incident occurred on 28 February 2009 on a mobile facility. The work being done was installation of a fastening device on the grating on the driller’s cabin at the same time as an LRA (lower racking arm) was used to prepare the core drill string for the next well operation. The injury occurred as the person was crushed between the railing on the access platform and the back of the LRA being operated.

2013.05.06 - Occupational Injury Onboard Offshore Platform Figure 1

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