New EU environmental Impact Assessment Rules

Yesterday the European Parliament vote on new environmental impact assessment rules of oil and conventional gas exploration, while at the same time rules for shale gas were excluded.

2014.03.13 - New EU environmental Impact Assessment Rules

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100 Billion Cubic Meters of Gas via Blue Stream to Turkey

Yesterday at 11:00 am Moscow time the Blue Stream gas pipeline supplied its 100th billion cubic meter of Russian natural gas to Turkey. In 2013 gas supplies via Blue Stream had stood at 13.7 billion cubic meters of gas accounting for over a half of the total gas volume (26.7 billion cubic meters) exported by Gazprom to Turkey in 2013.

2014.03.13 - 100 Billion Cubic Meters of Gas via Blue Stream to Turkey Figure 1

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ECSA Position Paper on CO2 MRV System

As an addition to the ECSA position paper issued in October 2013 on the  European Commission proposal for a CO2 MRV system on maritime transport, ECSA issued a position paper urging the EU legislators to refrain from extending the scope to ships above 400 GT and from including NOx/others GHG emissions which would respectively result in unnecessary administrative burden on small ships and in impractical monitoring issues in the proposed EU Regulation.

2014.03.13 - ECSA Position Paper on CO2 MRV System

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Fewer Pirates Different Risks: Africa Needs to Rethink its Approach to Maritime Security

With incidents of maritime piracy declining and greater awareness of new maritime security threats, the shape and governance of various counter-piracy initiatives and institutions will come into question this year.

2014.03.13 - Fewer Pirates Different Risks Africa Needs to Rethink its Approach to Maritime Security

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Use of Electronic Bills of Lading

A number of major dry cargo charterers began to invite owners to incorporate clauses into time charters in order to permit the use of electronic bills of lading instead of their paper equivalent.

2014.03.12 - Use of Electronic Bills of Lading

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HFO Main Fuel for Deep Sea Shipping for Years to Come

A new report from Lloyd’s Register (LR) and University College London’s Energy Institute, Global Marine Fuel Trends 2030, indicates that, in all scenarios, heavy fuel oil remains the main fuel for deep sea shipping while LNG develops a deep sea bunker market share of 11% by 2030.

2014.03.12 - HFO Main Fuel for Deep Sea Shipping for Years to Come

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Best Practice in Ships Technical Management

Quality and safety of operations, management and treatment of crew and transparency of costs spend are increasing. during 2013 GL and Fraunhofer CML experts conducted a study involving about 100 ship managing companies across the globe to find out what they are doing to improve their operations and what they consider as “best practice” in the industry.

2014.03.12 - Best Practice in Ships Technical Management

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New Gyrocompass with INS Technology

Oceanology International 2014 sees the launch of a new range of Gyrocompass products based on the well proven Motion Reference Unit (MRU) technology from Kongsberg Maritime’s sensor ‘Powerhouse’, Kongsberg Seatex.

2014.03.12 - New Gyrocompass with INS Technology

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Suez Canal Toll Hikes Cause Protests from Shipping Associations

The Round Table of international shipping associations has protested against the third consecutive annual increases in Suez Canal tolls, saying carriers are “dismayed” by steep hikes with a short notice period.

2014.03.11 - Suez Canal Toll Hikes Cause Protests from Shipping Associations

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North American ECA Might Harm Short Sea Shipping

The North American Emission Control Area (ECA) proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would require that all vessels travelling within 200 nautical miles of the North American coast run off an ultra-low sulphur content fuel.

2014.03.11 - North American ECA Might Harm Short Sea Shipping

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