Cargo Ship Sinks off Sri Lanka

On October 30, the Vietnamese vessel Saigon Queen, with a crew of 22 on board, sank off Sri Lanka. MV Saigon Queen was a 102 m cargo ship loaded with a cargo of timber destined for India. The accident took place under heavy weather and the Vietnam MRCC was not able to establish communication with the vessel under distress.

Vietnam MRCC released maritime emergency notification and coordinated with the search and rescue forces of Sri Lanka, the U.S. Coast Guard and the vessels that were operating in the area to rescue the crew of Saigon Queen.

At approximately 9.20pm, the Greek Flagged MV Pacific Skipper was able to rescue three crew members and managed to keep contact with 16 other sailors who were on a life-raft and were saved later on when weather conditions made it possible. During the second rescue operation mentioned above the captain of Saigon Queen fell into the sea and is reported missing until now. Three member of the crew are also reported missing.

The Pacific Skipper with the rescued sailors from MV Saigon Queen is traveling to Bangladesh and is scheduled to dock at the Mongna Port of Bangladesh on November 3.

Source: VietnamNet

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