Suez Canal Toll Hikes Cause Protests from Shipping Associations

The Round Table of international shipping associations has protested against the third consecutive annual increases in Suez Canal tolls, saying carriers are “dismayed” by steep hikes with a short notice period.

2014.03.11 - Suez Canal Toll Hikes Cause Protests from Shipping Associations

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Panama Canal Change in Toll System

Last month we posted about the plans of the Panama Canal to increase toll chargers and the complaints expressed by the International Chamber of Shipping . Now the Panama Canal Authority’s Board of Directors, after carefully evaluating the observations and suggestions provided by interested parties, has considered it appropriate to adjust the original proposal to modify the tolls system of the Panama Canal.

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Complaints on Panama Canal Toll Charges

Plans to increase toll charges for the Panama Canal are ‘rushed, excessive and likely to cause further problems for shipping companies’ given the fragile state of economic recovery, say shipowners.

The International Chamber of Shipping has sent a strongly worded letter to the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) describing plans to increase tolls by up to 15 per cent as ‘simply unacceptable’.

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